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Web Spinning:

If you are interested in developing web pages, then there are many tips for writers and designers available on the Internet. The tips offered by David Siegel and Bob Allison are very helpful. Also, you can always turn to Netscape for assistance.

More web design info ...
Beginner's Guide to HTML
Guides to Writing HTML Documents
Composing Good HTML

Crusing in Cyberspace:

To truly appreciate the visual impact of the Web, you should be using at least Netscape 3.x, IMHO it is the best browser available. Also, a good web browser is nothing without it's helpers. A good starting point is Yahoo. Links to resources are maintained in searchable catagories. If you seek more information, then a Lycos search is the next stop. Newsgroups are another source of informations. The DejaNews service allows you to search all or some newsgroups.

More info seekers ...
WebCrawler Search
Alta Vista Search
Archie Request Form
The Gopher at NCSA
Web servers around the World
Grep The Newsgroups